15.07.2023 Press

Sultan Haitham City: Pioneering a Flourishing Future in Oman

Fifth Estate, a renowned branding agency, takes great pride in unveiling its exceptional work in redefining the branding for Sultan Haitham City, the flagship development of Oman’s ambitious 2040 Future Vision. Fifth Estate has successfully created a brand identity that embodies the vibrant and prosperous future of this state-of-the-art smart city. This momentous endeavor, driven by His Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tariq’s unwavering vision, represents a new chapter in the nation’s history, promising a state-of-the-art smart city that will unlock boundless possibilities for its people and pave the way for a prosperous future.

Sultan Haitham City stands as a testament to the collective efforts and aspirations of the Omani people, who actively participated in shaping its economic, social, and cultural goals. Fifth Estate embraced the responsibility of capturing the essence of this visionary project and creating a brand that resonates with the spirit of progress, innovation, and peace of mind. This new city represents a gift of opportunity, offering new possibilities and redefining the way people live, work, and thrive. It is a place where generations to come can embrace a renewed renaissance and treasure a future filled with progress, innovation, prosperity, and peace of mind.

The branding process initiated by Fifth Estate drew inspiration from the energy and beauty of nature, which serves as a guiding force in the project’s vision and concept. Much like nature, Sultan Haitham City thrives, evolves, and branches out, always vibrant, fresh, and transformative.With a youthful energy, modern design, and innovative living spaces, the city embraces the pillars of Vision 2040, ensuring it is both livable and lovable

The logo of Sultan Haitham City, designed by Fifth Estate, captures the essence of the city’s vision. The logo features a dynamic and organic shape, and has been has been built around
precise geometry and the natural harmony of the golden ratio, symbolizing growth, progress, and the ever-evolving nature of the city.

The brand narrative tells the story of a city that is driven by innovation, sustainability, and a commitment to improving the lives of its residents. It highlights the city’s smart infrastructure, sustainable practices, and inclusive community, positioning Sultan Haitham City as a global model for future cities.

One of the key attributes of Sultan Haitham City is its inclusive, sustainable, and innovative approach to urban living. The city enriches the lives of Omanis by empowering them with new possibilities and exciting opportunities to thrive and grow. With a focus on developing everything needed for a healthy and satisfying life, the city fosters friendly interaction, connection, and engagement, transforming lives and ensuring a better future for present and future generations.

Sultan Haitham City serves as a new urban center in Muscat, a vibrant and cosmopolitan destination that harmoniously blends Omani culture with modern development. It offers a diverse and vibrant community, where residents can immerse themselves in nature and enjoy sustainable development. The city’s design optimizes resource usage, reduces environmental impact, and provides easy access to amenities and public spaces, creating a balanced and harmonious urban environment.

Furthermore, Fifth Estate’s branding approach highlights the city’s smart and interconnected nature. Sultan Haitham City seamlessly integrates physical, digital, and human systems, improving the overall quality of life for its residents. On the physical level Sultan Haitham City radiates a harmonious balance between urban vitality and serene green spaces. It branches out from a verdant Central Park, the beating heart of this thriving ecosystem, and boasts broad boulevards, diverse housing options, and vibrant commercial spaces. This masterfully designed layout embodies the city’s growth-oriented vision, emphasizing inclusivity and prosperity. And on the digital level by prioritizing usability, accessibility, and efficiency, the city provides a user-centric platform and “super app” that encompasses information, communication, payment, services, mobility, and community. This smart and connected approach creates a more livable and lovable city, empowering citizens and fostering engagement.

Sultan Haitham City is designed to maximize accessibility and ease of mobility, providing multiple modes of transportation and integrating pedestrian corridors and micro-mobility routes. These routes flow organically through the city, connecting neighborhoods, destinations, and the central park. With an emphasis on green living, the city boasts an extensive network of vibrant green spaces, parks, and tree-lined routes, encouraging outdoor activities and fostering social inclusion.

Fifth Estate’s revolutionary branding work has positioned Sultan Haitham City as a beacon of progress and prosperity. This visionary project embodies progress, innovation, and peace of mind, empowering residents to thrive in a sustainable and interconnected urban environment. With its inclusive community, smart infrastructure, and harmonious blend of nature and modernity, Sultan Haitham City sets a new standard for future cities, creating a prosperous and vibrant future for generations to come.